Our Branch visitors, sent to us twice monthly to break the monotony of just "us" for Sacrament Meeting, brought their 4 darling children aged 9 to 1 1/2 years with them to Church. The parents were the speakers and as mom stood up to speak I whisked the baby from her arms and took him outside where we had a great explore for 45 minutes and was as happy as could be dropping tiny pebbles down a watermain cover. I came in just in time to hear the testimony of the dad and play the closing hymn. Jack said that both of their talks were great and referred to Sister Smith's talk on "forgiveness" several times during his Gospel Doctrine lesson.
It was our Pot Luck luncheon after Church today and as unimaginative as tuna fish sandwiches are, those plus chocolate chip cookies were my contribution. The sandwiches were eaten by both young and old and no longer is my "self concept" damaged by gorumet dishes that aren't eaten. For months I made pilaf, which was a huge success, but cleaning up the rice mess on the floor created by the children got very old and I switched to sandwich quarters. We always have Pavlova and triffle amongst the desserts.
No more driving lessons for our Fillipino mother until she passses the written driving test. We set her a date for March 15 to be prepared for the test...
Our week has been eclipsed by the help that Helga has needed after returning home from the hospital to nurse her burns. Though she is provided a home nurse to bandage her hands 3 times daily plus domestic help I have been the back up and spent much time helping her. I have done everything from bathe her to do her laundry. It is really wonderful to be able to help her. She is determined to be as independent as is possible and she is doing very well. Everyday is an improvement.
I have avoided weather commentaries 'cause most of you are being clobbered by a wicked winter but we used our fireplace on Wednesday to battle the cold then three days later we couldn't sleep for the heat. Saturday night it was 92 in our house at 9:00 pm. Our wee island can't capture enough of any kind of weather to make it endure. We are very susceptible to a variety of weather in a single day. It makes it very interesting.
We love you and pray for you...
Love, Dixie and Jack
It was our Pot Luck luncheon after Church today and as unimaginative as tuna fish sandwiches are, those plus chocolate chip cookies were my contribution. The sandwiches were eaten by both young and old and no longer is my "self concept" damaged by gorumet dishes that aren't eaten. For months I made pilaf, which was a huge success, but cleaning up the rice mess on the floor created by the children got very old and I switched to sandwich quarters. We always have Pavlova and triffle amongst the desserts.
No more driving lessons for our Fillipino mother until she passses the written driving test. We set her a date for March 15 to be prepared for the test...
Our week has been eclipsed by the help that Helga has needed after returning home from the hospital to nurse her burns. Though she is provided a home nurse to bandage her hands 3 times daily plus domestic help I have been the back up and spent much time helping her. I have done everything from bathe her to do her laundry. It is really wonderful to be able to help her. She is determined to be as independent as is possible and she is doing very well. Everyday is an improvement.
I have avoided weather commentaries 'cause most of you are being clobbered by a wicked winter but we used our fireplace on Wednesday to battle the cold then three days later we couldn't sleep for the heat. Saturday night it was 92 in our house at 9:00 pm. Our wee island can't capture enough of any kind of weather to make it endure. We are very susceptible to a variety of weather in a single day. It makes it very interesting.
We love you and pray for you...
Love, Dixie and Jack
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