Sunday, January 18, 2009

Though we are few in numbers our spirit is as great as that of General Conference with the Prophet and Apostles. Jack was the sole speaker (and because he was the only priesthood holder when Church began, he also said the opening prayer and adminstered the Sacrament). His talk preparations prompted him to speak on "keeping the Sabbath holy" and it was gentle and powerful. The entire world is suffering for the lack of obedience to God's commandments and in particular the holiness of the Sabbath. Amen. It was a great discourse...The grandmother from South Africa had a terrible accident and "cooked" 3 fingers on her left hand and burned the right hand with smoking oil from a pot, which she, in a panic to douse the flames, applied running water which caused it to explode on her hands. She went to 3 hospitals, remember Gore is tiny and had to eventually be flighted to Christchurch (7 hours north by car), but enroute to hospital #2, she stopped here for a priesthood blessing. With her hands wrapped in glad wrap (new burn treatment) and in a state of shock she exhibited great faith. I just spoke to her in the hospital and she said that she new she would heal after hearing the blessing. The surgeon has already told her that no surgery would be necessary. She is also programing her brain to help her heal. We are being blessed. She is an artist and needs her hands.Mary, my 12 year old Y.W., and I drove to Dunedin on Friday afternoon to join Y.W. in another branch in making gingerbread houses. We had more fun than we were allowed, ate too much candy and enjoyed every minute of it.Our plan was to stop at a second hand store afterwards but between the one way streets and the bay, we never made it to the right street in the 20 minutes we had so we headed home. A detour to a dirt road, caused by a car that was flipped while towing a trailer on the highway, created an exciting time as my car fish tailed at what I thought was a reasonable speed. At one point coming around a bend, heading downhill at a narrow point on the gravel road, with an open trench on my side and a car coming up I experienced a brief moment of panic as we fish tailed again but we were blessed to arrive home safely. We have had some vicious rain storms and the noise sounds like a freight train coming around the bend. Our corrugated roof really enhances the sound effects and I am sure exaggerates it but most storms sound serious and capable of raining for hours. I timed one of these fierce storms...4 seconds. Yup. It does rain hard and long but we have our share of 4 second storms...The Church is true and being obedient to the gospel principles blesses lives. Love each other and take care of everyone...Love, Sister Sloan
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Jack's harvest of broccoli flower and chopping the stem with a hatchet.jpg

blue hydrangea at the neighbors house.jpg

happy making gingerbread houses.jpg

YW home builders.jpg

looks aren't everything.jpg

daliahs for church

1 comment:

Auds Beck said...


That is such a cool video!! Everything is SO green! Your hydrangea bush is amazing! We have them all over in Cleveland too, we wil sure miss those here. You are going to think Utah is UGULY when you get back, NZ is really pretty!!

Love Auds